Monday, May 18, 2020

The Three Step Webinar Formula For Personal Brands - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

The Three Step Webinar Formula For Personal Brands - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Great content is just one way a personal brand can become established as an industry leader. Another effective method are online webinars where your audience can get to know you better, which increases your chances of a sale. In order to attract new leads for your business it is important to branch out and try new methods. In what ways can your personal brand build a great following online? Through presentations and discussions that offer high value to your viewers. There are a few options available like online slideshows, live hosted events, and podcasts, which all offer a variety of tools and low-cost options for brands. Hosting a successful webinar is all about addressing the main issues for your online audience, and presenting a message that is on their level. There are several ways your personal brand can put together a stand-out video your brand followers will love. Steps to a Successful Webinar Hosting a show that allows users to interact is just one benefit of webinars for brands. Use these steps today to create a great presentation: Capture viewer focus Once your brand puts together a video or presentation its important to capture your viewers attention right away, which is known as Pattern Interrupt. Most people will either tune in or tune out within nine seconds. Compel them to move onto the next segment by asking a compelling question that they will want to know the answer to next. Provide a benefit Even if you’re audience is not ready to make a purchase yet you can hold their attention by offering something of value to them personally. By maintaining the focus of the topic on your viewers more than your brand you can provide a solution of the outcome of your product or service. Hit a home run sale Once your brand audience is ready to buy you want to make this as simple as possible with a tantalizing offer. This could include a pre-sale or even a limited time offer. Provide a beneficial reason why they should either opt-in to your website or make a purchase. A deadline is a great motivator to compel them to take action immediately. Online webinars for your personal brand are a great way to attract more subscribers and increase your sales. Helpful information that is centered on your target market will cause them to want to know more and spread the word on what your brand has to offer. The more frequent you host these videos the more credible your business will become.

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